How we set up a clients FacetWP settings
Set up the "template" you will place this shortcode in your Recipe Index page [facetwp template="recipe_index"]
→ this is optional, adds a load more link to the bottom of your grid
Set up the "facets" for the filter option. These will be specific to you, but here is the main one we use.
→ this will make sure you can select multiple checkboxes to filter posts
Once filters are set up you can add the shortcodes to the "Widgets Sidebar" aka Sidebar 1 as Showit knows it. You can view our client widgets here and how we set up the titles and shortcodes.
this is your titles and filters
this second widget is an optional
reset filter button
Once finished, you should have something that resembles this...
view live example
We have included a filterable Recipe Index option. If you choose to use this page in place of the Category style recipe index, you will want to get the FacetWP plugin and follow their instructions for setting up your filters. The WordPress Template is set to "page-recipe-index" to have it populate your content, if you would like your recipe titled something different, just make sure to update the WordPress template as well (ex. "page-page-name") to make sure this template links to the correct page.
→ FacetWP plugin
→ FacetWP Documentation
View this on desktop for instructions